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Monday, February 20, 2006


IOF Suffocates "Terror" Baby...While NY Times Ignores Just About Everything

"The PA (Palestinian Authority) is — in practice — becoming a terrorist authority," acting Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told his Cabinet on Sunday.

And the "only democracy" in the Middle East is having none of it...so...

Early Monday Morning, 02/20/2006: According to Maan News:

Israeli soldiers nearly killed a baby while throwing a gas grenade in an Al Thahirya home...then they forced the family out in the cold, demolished the house and arrested the father...

Nineteen year old Ahmed Ibrahim Zaid was attacked and severely beaten by Israel's Occupation Forces...

It is hard work attempting to disable the "terror infrastructure"...one wonders why the New York Times doesn't cover the daring exploits of the Israeli Occupation Forces which today included...

destroying Samir Abu Maria father's house and taking twenty-seven year old Hebron resident Samir away...

and breaking into a northern Hebron house to take away Mohammed Salbi...

and exploding the gates to Mousa Al Ferikh's house...hoping to bag a few terrorists.

then on Monday afternoon...

In order to continue their brutal siege of Balata Refugee Camp, where Israel's "elite" forces killed two sixteen year old members of the "terrorist infrastructure," yesterday foreign UNRWA employees were asked to leave the camp immediately.

Osama Ghazi Al Baneh got off easy...the sixteen year was shot Monday through the chest by the elite forces of the light unto the nations...praise God he's in stable condition in Rafidiya Hospital.

And the New York Times mentioned the two sixteen year old boys killed in their own neighborhod for throwing rocks in paragraph thirty of a thirty-one page front page story.

This is how the boys,Ibrahim Al Sheikh Issa, 16, and Mohammad Ahmad Al Natour, were mentioned:

In the West Bank, Israeli forces fatally shot two Palestinians in the Balata camp in Nablus. Palestinians said the men were throwing stones at troops; the Israeli Army said they were planting bombs.

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