Lovely to look at, delightful to . . .
think again. Palestinian artist, Emily Jacir, is a threat to Israel's existence as a Jewish state.
Sugar and Spice and everything nice, NOT!! They may look like little girls to the uninitiated, but they are actually threats to the existence of Israel as a Jewish state . . .
When You are old and full of sleep . . . you're still a threat to Israel's existence as a Jewish state. Hanya el Kurdi Ashdod has endured forced exile away from her home for sixty years . . .
She's a threat to Israel's existence as a Jewish state although they kinda like the embroidery . . .
Pray Hard and you will be forgiven for threatening Israel's existence as a Jewish state.
Identifiable Threat.He doesn't know it yet. But he's a threat to Israel's existence as a Jewish state.
No longer a threat. Iman Al Hams, along with 971 other little threats killed since September 2000 by Israel's settlers and soldiers.
# posted by umkahlil @ 9:47 PM