Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Freedom of Worship: Then and Now
Palestinians attempting to worship in Jerusalem scale the Apartheid Wall from Al-Ram on Friday, October 13. IOF troops gassed and beat Palestinians trying to worship at Al-Aqsa Mosque during Ramadan.
Ramallah circa 1950's Sabat el-Nur, Saturday of Light. Once a Greek Orthodox holiday, in later years Muslims and other Christians joined in the celebration. Young men from Ramallah travel to Jerusalem the Saturday before Easter Sunday to bring the Holy Light to Ramallah, where they are met by priests and most of the townspeople. Since the Israeli occupation of Ramallah, the festivities have been subdued (photo: Shaeen, Naseeb. A Pictorial History of Ramallah. Arab Institute for Research and Publishing: Beirut, 1992).