Tuesday, January 31, 2006
The Untold Hostage Stories from Palestine
The beginning of Anne Gwynne's account from Nablus:
On Thursday morning, 29th December 2005, I received a short SMS from Muntasser Abdel Rahiim, 26, Medical Relief Society Ambulance driver in Jeniin. ‘I’m sorry to tell you the Israelis are making trouble now in Jeniin Camp. They are in Motassem’s house’.
On Sunday morning, 1st January 2006, a shorter SMS came in from Muntasser – ‘Hi! The Israelis are gone from Jeniin and from Motassem’s home now’.
Between those two messages, 78 hours of terrorism and dozens of texts and phone calls. This is what happened to the Refugee Camps of Balaata and Jeniin during those hours (more)