Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Speak out for real justice and real peace!

By Annie Annab
Let free speech focused on protecting humanity- and the Palestinian refugee right of return, return us all to a saner safer world.
Speak out- speak out while you can, otherwise it will just get much worse and you might not be able to tomorrow: Speak out for real justice and real peace! http://al-awda.org/media-speak_up.html
Tell your friends, tell your family, tell any one and every one you know that we must speak out now as clearly and as firmly as we can, firmly focused on promoting and protecting The Palestinian Refugees Inalienable Right of Return
http://www.al-awda.org/facts.html every where- and every way we can.
Let your own goodness and decency shine forth, reaching out to help explain the truth to those who do yet yet understand about the evils of Zionism- and the real beauty of Palestine.
Odds are our letters will not be published, but they can at least help build resistance to the very real evils of political Zionism
http://www.al-awda.org/zionists0.html by challenging toxic Zionist http://www.jana.org/messageboard/messages/1034.html lies and propaganda http://www.giwersworld.org/palestine/answers.phtml.
Our silence only empowers political Zionism- lets Zionists own the media & America. It doesn't have to be this way. We have the power to fight for positive change- the power to tell the truth about Israel- the power to at least do something to stop Israeli racism from ruining lives worldwide.
Even one quick line is so much better than nothing. So if you can scan local & national news and speak up- speak up for the Palestinians (http://al-awda.org/camps.html) - and the vital importance of fully respecting the Palestinian refugees right of return !
Speak out in any way you can! http://home.comcast.net/%7Eanneseldenannab
And if you can't- can you at least help Al Awda grow
http://al-awda.org/donate.html ... and PLEASE pass the word