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Thursday, October 06, 2005


Palestinian Mother Bleeds to Death At IOF Checkpoint

Westerners who get their news from headlines won't know that Haifaa' Daoud Mohammed Hindiya was shot from two meters away at a checkpoint by Israeli soldiers.

Westerners who get their news from headlines will know this and only this: "Palestinian Woman stabs Israeli soldier." Let me repeat that because this headline appeared tens of times the same way in every story from the western press that appears on google and yahoo news searches. The soldier's wounds were moderate. Haifaa' was shot in the abdomen, back, and legs, and left to bleed to death, but the machosexy Israeli soldierchick gets the headline.

Westerners who get their news from headlines and Associated Press stories probably don't know that "those who murdered Haifaa' and disfigured her body are the same ones who bar Palestinian pregnant women from reaching hospitals and deny patients the right to treatment."

Westerners who get their news from headlines and Associated Press stories won't know that "from the beginning of the second intifada to March 2004, 55 Palestinian women have given birth at checkpoints and 33 newborns were stillborn at checkpoints, owing to delays or denial of permission to reach medical facilities.”

Westerners who get their news from headlines won't know that according to Dr. Mahmoud Abul Rub, member of the Palestine National Council, that "most of these people carry out such acts at the checkpoint because of poverty and the poor economic situation in which most people in the Palestinian territories live."

Westerners who get their news from headlines won't know that Haifaa' was psychologically disturbed and the mother of five children, ages one through twelve.

Westerners who get their news from headlines and AP won't know that it is acceptable according to international law to fight foreign occupation by any means necessary.

Westerners who get their news from headlines won't know that Haifaa' was wounded by "four live bullets to the back, the legs, and the abdomen."

Westerners who get their news from headlines and AP stories won't know that Haifaa', according to PCHR was "left bleeding to death in front of dozens of Palestinian civilians who were waiting at the checkpoint."

Westerners who get their news from headlines and AP stories won't know that "IOF prevented these civilians and Palestinian ambulances from offering her help."

Westerners who get their news from headlines and AP stories don't know that "when they were certain that she was dead, IOF allowed a Palestinian ambulance to evacuate her body to Rafidya Hospital in Nablus."

May her memory be eternal.

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