Wednesday, September 07, 2005
IOF Guns Down Unarmed Epileptic in Courtyard
Of course, it's worse, beyond belief, as Israeli outrages against the indigenous people tend to be. Just when one thinks it couldn't be more heart wrenching, the Israelis never disappoint. Their cruelty and utter disregard for Palestinians, whether it be forced removal of clothes at checkpoints, humiliation of elders in front of their children, or targets for their insatiable desire for Palestinian kills, mocks civility. And these disciples of racial supremacy will continue to give the bird to decency because their depravities go unreported in the US media. Each and every Israeli outrage falls under the catch all obscenity, "Israel has the right to defend itself."
This is who the goons killed according to International Middle East Media Center: Anas Abu Zreina worked in a vegetable market, a high school kid, who had never been involved in any type of resistance activity.
This is what the goons said after the kill which they confirmed with a bullet to the head, and which has been disproven by Israel's own human rights organization: "Anas Abu Zreina "is an accessory to wanted fighters."
This is what Anas' schoolmate in the godforsaken courtyard said: "Anas had brought invitations to his brothers wedding, which was two days later, and everyone was in a good mood and eating sunflower seeds."
The death squad (oh, the media feigned such ignorance when another death squad that they presented as two good ol' Israeli boys who'd lost their way, was lynched in Ramallah at the beginning of the Intifadeh) said, "Stop," and "Don't Move," and then proceeded to shoot the unarmed boys and men in that up close and personal close range way that they've perfected. Then they "confirm" the kills. How tidy. Like proofreading a paper before one turns it in.
And, surprise, surprise. The Israeli army change their bogus stories.
First they said that "Five [terrorists] responsible for the attacks at the Sage club and Hasharon Mall in Netanya were killed in Tulkarem."
But sometime after the slaughter in the courtyard of the unarmed boys and men the fighting men of the light unto the nations "are not sure of the level of wantedness" of the men. Seems as if Ateeya Abu Khalil's family may have "supported" Fatah, as do "half the families in Tulkarem."
"Abu Khalil was active with the Islamic Jihad (God forbid that a young man should resist occupation by a brutal army; what type of man does not?), but he turned himself in to the Palestinian Authority after stopping his activities and used to sleep at police stations for protection. The Islamic Jihad movement confirmed that he left the organization before he was killed by the army."
And poor Mahmud Ehdieb with his "nasty," "brutish," and "short" term on this earth. He joins Johnny Thalijjieh, altar boy (just when you thought they were all 'terrorists'), the old retarded bell ringer for the Church of the Nativity, the young drummer for Ramadan . . . victims of an occupation Palestinians should just shut up about. According to his dad, Mahmud " had been wearing a diaper recently because he was incontinent." He was also an epileptic. Just better bet that the army that prides itself on"purity of arms" confirmed the kill on that hapless kid.