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Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Baruch Kimmerling on Over-the-top American Zionists

Below is an excerpt on Baruch Kimmerling's take on the Zionists who've made inroads at Columbia. As usual, Zionists made in U.S.A. are over the top and succeed in out Israeli-ing the Israelis.

"The majority of my Israeli rightwing colleagues keep their distance from such activities [stifling anyone who doesn't give the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval to ethnic cleansing], understanding that they contradict basic academic principles. These principles include the heterogeneity of the campus, intellectual diversity and openness, the imperative of free dialogues among persons holding different views in the framework of a common public space, and an understanding that dialogues and debates on public issues are a part and parcel of academic education and freedom."

Unless the dialogue doesn't mesh with the Zionist weltanschauung.

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